Konya Plain Agricultural Lands Salinization Problem, Causes and Solution Suggestions





Konya Plain, Basin planning, Soil Degradation, Soil salinization


Due to the rapidly increasing world population, it is necessary to improve the lands that have been degraded and currently have production potential. It is inevitable that the greatest struggle of humanity for the future will be to combat the rapidly spreading degradation. It is imperative to change approaches and policies for sustainable agriculture. Basin management should not be considered as an idea aimed at protecting the hydrological services provided by the basin or minimizing or preventing groundwater effects, but as an integrated basin management.

A relationship has been established between excess water and agricultural product increase in the Konya plain for many years due to the irrigation culture, and even when surface water resources are insufficient, the use of underground water resources has increased day by day. So much so that irrigation is attempted with a well opened at almost every field. This situation causes the groundwater level to retreat to very deep depths.

The aim of the study is to examine the environmental impacts resulting from activities carried out to increase production in the Konya Plain, which is used as an agricultural production area, to identify the negative structural problems that occur and to offer solutions, thus contributing to the participatory approach proposal for sustainable basin planning. The material and data sources of the study consist of studies conducted as subject-field studies (articles, books, thesis, reports, notifications). The information obtained through the literature review was compiled and the environmental assessment of agricultural activity and soil-water use was emphasized, solution proposals were developed in the light of geographical principles, and suggestions for the sustainable development plans of the field were put forward.


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How to Cite

Baylak, H. M., & TAŞ, B. (2025). Konya Plain Agricultural Lands Salinization Problem, Causes and Solution Suggestions. CografyIQ Academic Researches Journal, 2(1), 1–15. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14591004



Ecology Research