Fiziki Coğrafya/araştırma Makalesi




Climate, Virtual Station, Mount Loras, Hatunsaray., Climate, Virtual Station, Mount Loras, Hatunsaray


Climate characteristics are important in examining the mutual relationship between geomorphology and human activities. The characteristics revealed by the climate are an important factor explaining the environmental relationships between the characteristics of the natural environment and the cultural environment. For this reason, a general analysis of the climatic structure that emerges in determining the climate characteristics in the research areas should constitute the main purpose of the research. From this point on, the climate elements of the study area were obtained and subjected to a general climatic analysis. The data presented were interpreted and the current problem and suggestion were developed. Due to reasons such as the elevation differences and the presence of ruggedness seen in the study area, the observation data of Güneydere, İnlice, Loras Mountain, Hatunsaray and Akören stations were taken into consideration in order to make a consistent climate conclusion. As an effect of the climate and with the addition of the geological-geomophological development, the population in the research area is generally engaged in agriculture and animal husbandry as an economic activity. The people in the study area increase their intervention in the topography as much as possible by constructing wells, ponds and canals in order to meet the water needs for use and drinking water, especially with irrigation in agriculture, in order to reduce the effects of the negative results of the climate. For this reason, a planned water storage and sustainable water use studies should be planned in order to meet the water needs during periods when rainfall decreases in the field.


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How to Cite

Baylak, D. H. M. (2024). CLIMATE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE AREA BETWEEN LORAS MOUNTAIN AND HATUNSARAY (KONYA): Fiziki Coğrafya/araştırma Makalesi. CografyIQ Academic Researches Journal, 1(1).