Use Of Irısh Forest Ivy To Improve Quality Of Lıfe
Irish Forest Ivy, Ecological Appearance, Aesthetic City Appearance, Air Pollution, Vertical GardenAbstract
The technological elements we have developed to make our lives easier in our modern life make us feel like they are hostile to the environment, tend to become concrete, and keep us away from the natural environment. As humanity, we are all aware of this. Another fact that we are aware of is the unintentional harm that occurs with the use of technology. As human beings, we always try to minimize these damages. Some of these studies are successful, some are unsuccessful. In this regard, the environmental phenomenon that disturbs us the most is visual and impact damage.
At the TMMOB Geographic Information Systems congress in 2023, when spatial analysis of air pollution parameters was made with GIS, it was revealed that they showed accumulation in certain areas. Therefore, our activities, which occur as a requirement of modern life, lead us to the conclusion that pollutants accumulate in certain areas in cities and this creates pollution islands and related heat islands.
We offer an ecological solution to the problem of this age, where air pollutants accumulate and heat islands and concretion appear, in line with the understanding of responsibility and to increase the visual and air quality of modern life. With our project, we aim to make our environment look beautiful and to eliminate or at least reduce some of the harms of technological elements that make our lives easier.
When you look at the cities built by people, the houses they build to live in and the roads they build for transportation, construction, concrete and asphalt appear as civilization. What we lack is expressed as our aesthetic understanding . Then, we can make the highway sections, which we describe as sunken or bridged, more aesthetic. While doing this, we will increase our quality of life and evaluate the environment in accordance with the concept of sustainability.
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