Communication Language, Kindergarten Age, I Language, Color LanguageAbstract
The process in which people consciously or unconsciously convey their desired feelings and thoughts is defined as communication. Communication skills are given to individuals through educational activities starting from childhood. It is important to provide awareness of the language of You and Me to 4-6 year old kindergarten children through play-based activities.
The behavior directed towards the child and the attitude taken towards him/her are of great importance in the formation of first experiences. In the preschool period, the child needs a model that he/she can copy down to the smallest detail while learning to be a social individual. This self-identification, which is necessary for the formation of his/her personality, can be realized within the family and in kindergartens.
For this purpose, a method based on the analysis and interpretation of the data obtained as a result of survey-based research sources and literature review (Articles, thesis, notifications, etc.) has been determined. In the light of the information obtained, the game “You Language in Communication with Me” has been developed to improve communication in 4-6 year old kindergarten students.
The game activity that emerged as a product of the study will encourage the use of effective communication, will help them learn the concepts of up and down with the colors red and green, will help them gain simple distinction skills between I and you language, and will be associated with the reward of being successful in social life.
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