Writing Rules

Article Preparation
Language: Turkish, English
The language of the journal is Turkish and English.
Article Types: Research article, Review article
However, we recommend that authors be as concise as possible for the dissemination of the work.
Author Change: Only processed before the article is accepted. Authors must carefully review the list and order of authors before submitting their articles and provide the definitive author list during the original submission.
Writing Rules:
-Articles to be sent to CografyiQ Academic Research Journal must be uploaded with the title page, copyright transfer form, ethical declaration form and similarity report via https://www.cografyiq.com.tr/. Author name(s) must not be included in the main file containing the article due to double-blind peer review ethics. All information about the author(s) must be included on the title page.
-Articles uploaded to CografyiQ Academic Research Journal must be in Turkish and English.
-Articles must be written as plain text in a single column. When making page layout, margins should be set at 2.5 cm. The font should be "Times New Roman" and the text should be in 11 point size, 1.15 line spacing, justified format, and 6 pt spacing should be left at the end of the headings and paragraphs. Paragraph indentation should be 1 cm.
-Articles should be at least 3000 and at most 9000 words and page numbers should be given at the bottom right corner of each page.
-Article titles should be written in Turkish and English.
-A Turkish abstract of 150-250 words and an English translation of this abstract should be provided for articles, and Turkish and English abstracts for articles in foreign languages should be provided.
-Four (4) keywords should be provided in English and Turkish.